you can go back是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-12 14:43:27 浏览次数:53
相似词语短语can you back───你能回去吗
you can back───你可以回去
can you go───你能走吗
you can go───你可以走了
go back───回去;追溯;追溯到,回溯到,回到(过去),回顾
you can go to───你可以去
you can t go───你不能去
you can go it───你可以去的
if we can go back───如果我们能回去
双语使用场景If not, you can go back to daydreaming starting... now.───如果不然,那你还可以继续白日梦…从现在开始。
If you travel on Tuesday, you can go back at half past five.───如果你星期二旅行,你可以在五点半回去。
The dialogues are organized by month so you can go back to previous threads and read them.───这些对话是按月份编排的,所以你可以找以前的话题来读一读。
If you were promised a raise that did not materialize, you can go back to see if you can get it now.───如果有人曾经允诺给你升迁,但并没有落实,你可以再去看看现在你是否能得到它。
Every choice you make as you build a scene is set up as a network node that you can go back and edit.───每一个选择,你做你建立一个场景是作为网络节点,你可以回去和编辑了。
You can go back in history through the eyes of those who witnessed significant events or through those who were alive at those times.───只要你去通过这些重要事件的目击者的眼睛,或者通过那时活着的人们人们,则实际上是可以“回到从前”。
After breaking up have been hoping for the day when you can go back and I now, the old trophy, renewable front.───分手后一直企盼着有一天你能把我接回去,重温旧梦,再续前缘。
"Tell yourself that you can go back inside after five minutes if it's really bad, " says Patti Finke, a coach in Portland, Oregon.───俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名教练帕蒂·芬克说,“独个儿跑?”然后再告诉你自己,哎呀受不了了,五分钟后就溜到室内吗?
Class. If you did not complete the lesson, you can go back and do so now, or you can skip the following procedure.───如果您还没有完成该课程,您现在可以返回到那一课完成;或者您也可以跳过以下步骤。
英语使用场景Or, like me, you can go back and forth, alternatively scraping off the accumulated gunk and making yourself more accessible by taking on more of it.
Ask your doctor when you can go back to your normal activity.
Then if you drop out, you can go back and pick up where you left off.
So, my take-away is that as you learn something and then apply it, you can go back and learn more on a second pass.
You can go back, in each view, using the button in the navigation tool bar that is on the top of the view.
You can go back to bed for a while if you want.