you can do it是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-14 18:00:20 浏览次数:175
相似词语短语can you do it───你能做到吗;你能做吗
can you do───你能做到吗
you can it───你能做到的
you do it───你来吧
i can do it───我能做
we can do it───我们能够做到
can i do it───我能做吗
what can it do───它能做什么
u can do it───你能做到的
双语使用场景Jump as I did, if you can do it.───如果你能的话,就像我一样跳跳看吧。
I'm sure you can do it.───我相信你可以做到。
she was saying was this: "You can do it!"───她说的是:“你能做到的!”
It seems to be a simple issue, however, I'm not literate in coding. Please let me know if you can do it or contact for possible details.───这似乎是一个简单的问题,不过,我不是在编码识字。请让我知道如果你能做到这一点,或联系可能的细节。
So now go ahead, and now you are trying to generate 120 watts of power. You think you can do it?───现在去吧,你现在试着,产生120瓦电力,你觉得你能做到吗?
The boss is not difficult, only to ask, if need, require you to be in a month to learn the software, you can do it?───老板也不为难,只问了一句,如若工作需要,要求你必须在一个月学会这几个软件,你能做到吗?
Here was God's Son, sweating and shaking as he faced his awful suffering, and he said, "Daddy, you can do it. "───这是神的儿子,祂面对可怕的苦难时,汗如雨下,全身颤抖,但祂说:「父啊,祢做得到的。」
Why waste time going to the bank when you can do it all over the Internet?───你可以在网上办理银行业务,为何要浪费时间跑银行呢?试比较。
It is all above board, you can do it in office hours and with none of the embarrassment of being on Match. com.───整个过程光明正大,可以在上班时间完成,完全不会有被同事抓到你在看正宗交友网站Match.com的那种尴尬。
英语使用场景You can do it - I'm rooting for you.
You can do it however you like.
Are you sure you can do it?
I question if you can do it.
Do you think you can do it? Well, probably I can.
You can do it. Please, for my sake.
Come on, you can do it!
Don't worry. You can do it.
You can do it.