you can dj是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-14 18:14:58 浏览次数:36
相似词语短语you can───你可以(歌曲名)
assamese dj───阿萨姆dj
discolor dj───变色dj
rave dj───白天狂欢
rahab dj───喇合dj
executioners dj───刽子手dj
you can i can───你可以我可以
mitis dj───米蒂斯dj
virtual dj───虚拟dj
双语使用场景If you are a techno DJ by night, and a cubicle dweller by day, your Facebook page can be a mix of your music and professional life, and you can still keep your personal bits to yourself.───如果你晚上做电音dj,白天做办公室文员,你的个人主页把你的音乐生活和职业生活混合进去,这样你依然能够保有你个人的一块小天地。
You can propose to people to experience that kind of DJ.───你可以建议人们去听那样的DJ。
you can hype a DJ. But ultimately, you have experience the DJ in the club.───你可以宣传一位DJ,但是最终你要在俱乐部里感受这个DJ。