we can do many things是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-14 18:41:47 浏览次数:193
相似词语短语do many things───做很多事情
things we do───我们做的事情
we can do───我们能做到
many of things───很多事情
do things───干事
what can we do───我们能做什么
we can do is───我们能做的就是
we can do it───我们能够做到
we can do better───我们可以做得更好
双语使用场景We can do many things on time on most occasions without any procrastination.───在大多数情况下我们只要不拖延时间我们可以按时完成很多事情。
To prevent the virus, we can do many things.───为防止病毒,我们可以做许多事情。
We can do many things by computer which we can't in the past.───我们可以通过电脑做很多在过去我们无法做到的事情。
We can do many things in today: we can see, can say, can play, can laugh. . . . . . Yesterday has gone, tomorrow is not come .───我们可以在今天做很多事情:我们可以看,可以说,可以玩,可以笑……昨天已经走了,明天还没有来。
With internet, we can do many things in an easier way; it saves you plenty of time and energy.───有了因特网,我们做事情更省力了,为我们节约了大量的时间和精力。
We can do many things on the Internet, playing games and chatting with our friends.───我们可以在网上做很多事情。例如玩游戏,和朋友聊天。
Moment on Friday I am very happy , we can do many things because of being going to have arrived at on the weekend again, on the weekend.───周五的时候我很高兴,因为又要到周末了,周末我们可以做很多事。
That's true, we can do many things during summer vacation, like sleeping, playing basketball, watching TV, surfing online and so on.───确实,在暑假里我们可以做许许多多的事,像睡觉啦,打球啦,看电视啦,上网啦等等。
We can learn a lot from the computers. With the help of them, we can do many things easily. And we can also learn a lot from the internet.───我们可以通过计算机学到很多东西,在它们的帮助下,我们可以很容易的做很多事情,并且我们还可以通过因特网学到很多。