us assessment是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-14 18:55:55 浏览次数:28
相似词语短语assessment───n.评价;评定;鉴定;估价;n.看法; 评估; 鉴定; 评定; 核定的付款额; 估价
readiness assessment───准备情况评估
summative assessment───终结性评价;n.小学生综合测试
assessment method───评价法
assessment plan───[财]摊派保险
iri assessment───iri评估
assessment report───评估报告
assessment date───评估日期
performance assessment───性能估计;[计] 性能评价
双语使用场景Rational, unemotional, self assessment should tell us whether or not we have the skills and ability to do something.───理性的不参杂感情的自我评价应该能告诉我们自己是否有能力和技巧去做些什么。
US scholarship worth 500 dollars is awarded to students whenever their Scholastic Assessment Test score is at least 2000, and for every 100 points over 2000.───只要学生的学业评估测验分数至少为2000,并且每超过2000分,每100分,就会向他们授予价值500美元的美国奖学金。
But the United Nations climate panel's latest assessment tells us precisely the opposite.───但联合国气候小组的最新评估所告诉我们的恰恰相反。
The Associated Press reported that Japanese officials were disputing the US assessment.───美联社报道,日本官方随即反驳了这个说法。