tree attachment是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-14 19:25:38 浏览次数:36
insecure attachment───不安全依附型
attachment disorder───依恋障碍
attachment definition───附件定义
hyoid attachment───舌骨附着
adjunction attachment───附加附加
attachment parenting───亲密育儿法
mower attachment───割草机附件
attachment to───附件;依恋
双语使用场景Tie to secure objects such as a telephone pole (without a supporting "guy" wire), wall, hitching post, tree, or a trailer that is secured by attachment to a vehicle.───栓在牢固的物体上,比如信号杆(没有天线),围墙,套索桩,树或者挂车。
Its Expo Park sits alongside the Bailianjing Wharf in Pudong, where I had worked for 28 years. I feel a deep attachment to every inch of land and every single tree there.───世博中心会场就设在浦东白莲泾码头边上,那里是我曾经工作过28年的地方,我对那里的每一寸土地、每一棵树木都有着深厚的情结。
To add an attachment, right-click the attachments tree node at the bottom (Figure 43) and select Add Elements.───要添加附件,右键单击底部的 attachments 数节点(图 43)并选择 Add Elements。
Then a set of FE models with different grids of fir tree attachment with three teeth was established to analyze the contact stress.───以某发动机涡轮盘三齿枞树形榫齿,榫槽连接结构作为研究对象,分析其接触应力。