that may be true是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-26 16:37:36 浏览次数:30
相似词语短语that true───那是真的吗
be true───是真的
may be───也许,可能
that is true───这是真的
be that as it may───即使如此;尽管这样;即使如此, 尽管那样; 话虽如此
That s true───那是真的
that be───是的
be true of───v.对…适用,符合于;v.符合于;对…适用
be true to───忠实于;适用于;信守
双语使用场景That may be true for a few sales, but I think the PR effect was greater.───对于一款新发售的游戏来说这也许没错,不过我觉得游戏公关产生的影响要大一些。
That may be true, but he's more willing than anyone else to try.───这可能是真的,但他会比任何其他人都更愿意去尝试这么做。
That may be true, but it hardly inspires confidence.───这或许是真的,但是这也几乎不能激起人们的信心。
That may be true but it is not easy to sell a counterfactual on the stump (as the first President Bush learned).───这或许是真的,但在竞选中向选民推销反事实并不是件容易的事(正如老布什学到的那样)。
That may be true, but those high-pitched squeals coming out of your speakers are really grating. And what was that banging sound?───那可能是事实,但从你的扬声器传出来的高音尖叫真是刺耳。还有那砰砰作响的是什么?
that may be true. But I'm sure you're able to find a balance between them. Why not try it?───有道理。但是我相信你可以再兼职和学习间找到平衡的。为什么不试试呢?。
That may be true, but all too many daft policies rely on the collective reluctance of the voters to leave marshmallows uneaten on the table.───那也许是对的,但是太多的愚蠢的政策依赖于选民的集体的不满意,这些选民不吃棉花糖,将它们留在桌子上。
Mary : That may be true, or he might be someone who has been feeling [discouraged].───玛丽:也许事实是这样,又或者他可能只是觉得沮丧呢。
That may be true, but if you were to do it, you would have trouble on the horizon.───那也许是真的,但是如果你要那样做,你将会有麻烦。
英语使用场景While that may be true in the current financial crisis, the credit crunch has made it tough for the survivors to make hay out of such failures.
That may be true of land-a scarce commodity on a small island-but what about pay?
That may be true, but a lot of consumers--BlackBerry devotees included--would like to see more pizazz from RIM.
That may be true, but while most people appreciate a good joke, many are put off by dirty jokes.