that many others是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-26 17:29:32 浏览次数:22
相似词语短语that many───那么多
many that───很多
researches show that many───研究表明
others define───其他人定义
The others───其余的(表示在一个范围内的其他全部)
others game───其他游戏
none others───没有其他人
双语使用场景But even if most people would agree with me on that one point, I find that many others disagree with me on many other aspects of traveling.───但是我发现就算大多数人同意我其中的一个看法,也有相当多的人反对我其他的观点。
It appears that many others have had the same problem.───好像还有许多人碰到同样的问题。
I suppose that many others have suffered in the same way.───我猜想,其他许多人也可能会遭遇这种情形。
And with no listening cap currently for U. S. users of the free tier, I imagine that many others will find lots to like, too.───此外,由于Spotify目前对美国的免费用户未限定最大收听数量,我猜许多免费用户也会发现大量自己喜欢的内容。
Several Japanese real estate companies have fled to Sydney to list and I hear that many others are heading to Singapore to do the same.───数家日本房地产公司转向悉尼上市,我听说其它许多公司也正纷纷赶赴新加坡上市。
It seems that many others, including producer countries themselves, are less sure.───似乎很多人,包括石油生产国自己,对此都不太确信。
英语使用场景It is not unlikely that many others may have either originated as pagan statuettes or have been inspired by them.
Defence lawyers claimed that several injured defendants had been denied medical attention and that many others had been tortured while in custody.
It is also helpful to know that he or she was by no means alone and that many others suffered in the same way.