we build是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-26 17:43:05 浏览次数:39
build snowmen───堆雪人
build on───依赖,依靠…;建立于;把…建立于…;以…为基础;在原有的建筑物上增建; 以…为基础; 依赖; 一心指望
build of───用…建造;用(某种材料)建造(某物)
collapse build───折叠生成
idea build───创意构建
brand build───品牌建设
we we we───我们我们我们
build path───创建路径;构建路径
双语使用场景I don't know if we will consider AOP the primary design mechanism when we build systems.───我不知道我们是否会在构建系统时将 AOP 视为主要的设计机制。
And now, as we birds say, we build nests before laying eggs.───而现在,我们鸟儿说得好,先筑巢,后生蛋。
His compatriots are at last beginning to believe that the sandcastles we build in our minds are not going to be simply washed away by the morning tide.───他的同胞们终于开始相信,我们在脑海中建造的沙堡不会轻易地被早潮冲走。
As we expected, it's less than one, and of course if we build an engine, we want it to be as high as possible, as close to one as possible.───就像预先期待的一样,效率小于一,当然如果我们建造一台热机,我们希望效率越高越好,尽可能接近一。
If you are interested in becoming an Internet marketing ninja or any of the other (We Build Pages Services) we are happy to speak with you.───如果你有兴趣成为网络营销忍者或其他(我们建立网页服务的话),我们很高兴和你谈谈。
We're always at the front lines, ready to greet users and offer the best first impression to the applications we build for them.───我们始终站在第一线,准备迎合用户并让他们对我们构建的应用程序留下最佳的第一印象。
No matter how much software we build, people build the relationships, and they build them out of words first.───不管我们制造了多少软件,人们都会建立起他们之间的关系,并首先通过语言来强化这种关系。
A lot of the libraries we build are open sourced as soon as we get some time to clean them up and split it out of our source tree.───每当我们有空将它们整理清楚并且将它们从我们的源码树上分离开来以后,我们建立的很多的类库都得以开放。
We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best.───我们用一个分心的方式来建造我们的生活,只会说而不会去实践,希望承担更少的东西而不是更好的东西。
英语使用场景Then we build our salad, sampling each wild thing as we add it to the big wooden bowl.
We build walls around ourselves and cut ourselves off from those who would empathize with and even help us.
Although we build things to last, we don't expect them to last indefinitely.
And so we build robots that live in their heads.
We dream and we build. We never give up; we never quit.
How much delay should we build into the plan?
So how, in whole group drama, do we build commitment to the work and engagement in the issues?
The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. Jim Rohn
Computing Techniques Today we build an electronic digital computer and program it with a set of simple logical instructions.