vocal folds是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-28 11:19:15 浏览次数:35
相似词语短语abducts vocal folds───外展声带
folds high───褶皱高
vocal tract───声道
enterogenous folds───肠源性皱襞
vocal range───[耳鼻喉]音域
crural folds───小腿皱襞
vocal aid───声援
双语使用场景vibration of vocal folds was slight asymmetry in 1 normal voice person and normal in other 4 normal voice persons.───正常人中除1例声带振动轻微不对称外,其余4例未发现异常。
But improper screaming of the fans can lead to nodules and polyps on vocal folds. My main concern is their health.───但是球迷们不正确的尖叫可能导致声带囊肿或息肉,我主要是为他们的健康考虑。
The vocal folds vibrate to create sound for vowels and voiced consonants.───声带振动产生的声音的元音和辅音。
Longer vocal folds would vibrate at lower frequency, but tenser folds would vibrate at higher frequency.───声带加长会降低振动频率,声带拉紧则可以增加振动频率。
The presence of the false vocal folds may increase the voice intensity and improve quality to some extent.───假声带的存在,在某种程度上会增大声强,改善发声的品质。
The vibration of vocal folds was slight asymmetry in 1 normal voice person and normal in other 4 normal voice persons.───正常人中除1例声带振动轻微不对称外,其余4例未发现异常。
Voice acoustic assessment of children with hoarse ness and hyperplasia diseases of vocal folds───儿童声嘶及良性增生性声带疾病的嗓音频谱分析
Recent advance in cellular physiology of the vocal folds───声带的细胞生理学研究进展
英语使用场景In addition, oral pressure increased when the voice transferred from chest voice to falsetto, may be due to the increase in the tension and vibratory frequency of the vocal folds in falsetto.