treat you well是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-28 11:33:28 浏览次数:39
相似词语短语treat well───善待
treat you───对待你
i treat you───我请客
you well───你还好吗
well you───你呢
well well well───很好很好
well you too───你也是
love you well───很爱你
双语使用场景One treat you well, but it doesn't represent you will fall for him.───一个人对你很好,不代表你就会爱他。
Come with us and we will treat you well, for the Lord has promised good things to Israel.───你和我们同去,我们必厚待你,因为耶和华指着以色列人已经应许给好处。
They treat you well in the office, but never invite you to a family party.───在办公室里他们待你很好,但却从不会邀请你参加家庭聚会。
Brigitte: He said, "I'll treat you well no matter what. " I was so touched. And I told myself, he's gonging to be my friend. Forever.───林:他说,“无论怎样我都会对你好。”我当时非常的感动。我跟自己说,他将会是我的朋友,永远的朋友。
If you want people to be good to or to treat you well.───如果你希望别人对你友好。
You needn't be afraid of me, boy, " he said. " I'll treat you well. I bought you for your face. You reminded me of someone.───你用不着害怕,孩子,“他说,”我会好好待你的。我是看了你的长相才买下你的。你使我想起了某个人。
Good, arrived here! You take care well! Tells him to treat you well, does not have to bully you!───好了,就到这里了!你好好得保重!告诉他好好待你,不许欺负你!
Yet people do not exploit your goodness, and they treat you well.───但是人们并不利用你的善良,他们对你也很好。
英语使用场景I was such a person, who is good to me, I will treat you well.