vocal character是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-31 20:34:24 浏览次数:23
vocal tract───声道
vocal range───[耳鼻喉]音域
vocal aid───声援
vocal organs───n.发声器官;[解剖]发音器官
vocal chords───声带;声韧带
vocal cord───声带; 声襞;[解剖]声带;声襞
backing vocal───支持人声
双语使用场景writer chose Schubert's Liedercyclus Winterreise as an example, to research the musical character of piano part and the way of performance the piano part in vocal music.───舒伯特的声乐套曲《冬之旅》为研究对象,探究其钢琴声部艺术特色以及在演奏方面的处理手法。
As a character she is pure delight, her vocal style simply bowls you over.───作为一个性格,她是纯粹的喜悦,她的唱腔简单碗你了。
What sort of vocal tone does your character have?───你的角色的嗓子是哪一种?
英语使用场景Wagner gave a vocal character to some of his symphonies.