witty city是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-31 21:06:16 浏览次数:26
witty repartee───机智的回答
witty banter───诙谐的玩笑
witty definition───诙谐的定义
witty fox───机智的狐狸
witty remark───妙语;幽默风趣的话
witty comebacks───机智的复出
witty conceit───机智的自负
witty meaning───机智的意思
双语使用场景I smiled at his witty words. Yes, s city is just an imagined city, created from my opinions about those big, modern but spiritually derelict cities.───他的机智的话让我微笑:是的,S市的确是一个虚拟的城市,来源于我对所有的摩登但是冷漠的大城市的印象。
They were part of the few new elements introduced during the renovation of the City Hall. Brilliant effect is achieved with this minimal and witty addition.───这是大会堂重新装修时,加入的少数新原素之一,造型简洁而效果显著,使广场位置增添了不少时代气息。
I am not strong enough for win city, I'll stay in to play Sin, witty people without hearts have always had a lead on me.───在胜者之城里我还不够强壮,在那里只能让我犯罪,聪明的人们不懂真心只会欺骗。