作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-31 21:10:48 浏览次数:78
相似词语短语onwards and upwards───天天向上;勇往直前;一直进步
fructose metabolism───果糖代谢
only for u───只为你
buckeye recruits───七叶树新兵
substantively legal───实质上合法的
traitorous lord───叛徒领主
vocality credit union───声乐信用合作社
aurous x570───极光x570
run low on───耗尽(口语,非正式)
you do not face───你没有脸
双语使用场景Simple closure, Y-V skin flap, advancement skin flap were performed according to the size and location of UCF.───根据瘘口的大小和位置分别采用简单缝合术,Y V皮瓣成形术、皮瓣推进术进行修补。
I believe your acceptance is going through the UCF authorities.───我想你的录取情况学校正在审。
UCF approach separates the carbon nanotubes while retaining their useful properties.───UFC找到了分开碳纳米管,同时保留它们的特性的方法。
The exterior underground-coal-fire (UCF) is largely similar to the ignition of the underground coal gasification (UCG).───煤矿外因火灾发生与煤炭地下气化点火过程具有很大的相似性,两者皆会发生再生火源现象。
Objective To investigate the surgical treatment for patients with urethrocutaneous fistula (UCF) after urethroplasty.───目的探讨尿道成形术后尿道瘘的治疗方法。
UCF is a group of volunteers who refurbish computer hardware together for donation to local needy families.───UCF是一个志愿者组织,他们将计算机硬件组装成新的计算机,并捐给当地需要它们的的家庭。
The UCF approach separates the carbon nanotubes while retaining their useful properties.───UFC找到了分开碳纳米管,同时保留它们的特性的方法。
He has also been invited multiple times to represent Christianity at Tri- loge forum at UCF among Judaism and Islam faith.───他还多次在UCF的三大宗教对话论坛上,代表基督教与犹太教和伊斯兰教对话。
Simple suture, Y-V skin flap plasty and skin flap advancement were performed according to the size and the location of UCF.───根据瘘口的大小及位置分别采用简单缝合术、Y-V皮瓣成形术、皮瓣推进术进行修补。
英语使用场景He has also been invited multiple times to represent Christianity at Tri- loge forum at UCF among Judaism and Islam faith.
UCF is a group of volunteers who refurbish computer hardware together donation to local needy families.