that makes no difference是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-31 21:18:43 浏览次数:30
相似词语短语that makes───这使
that makes week───这就是周
make no difference to───对…有些[没有]关系;对…无影响;对…无差别
no wonder that───难怪,怪不得,不足为奇;难怪;不足为奇
diacritic marks that indicate difference───表示差异的音调符号
difference maker───差异制造者
that makes two of us───我同意,我也一样
双语使用场景That makes no difference to me.───那对我没有影响。
Priest: That makes no difference. All men are equal in God's eyes.───神父:这没什么差别。在上帝的眼中,众生都是平等的。
That makes no difference.───两者没有区别。
And of course some of you are new here but that makes no difference.───当然,你们中有些人和我们是第一次见面,但这无关紧要。
That makes no difference, he thought. I can always come in on the glow from Havana .───他想,这也没什么关系,哈瓦那那儿的光总会指引我进港的。
e. g. That makes no difference to me what you say.───你说什么对我都没关系。
In itself, that makes no difference to the real cost of servicing a loan over its lifetime.───利率的上升与下降,对长期贷款的成本来说没什么不同。
That makes no difference; I am myself. I have seen this thing, and I belong to it.───那也一样;我就是我。我看到了这些,我不能熟视无睹。