we are waiting for是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-31 21:52:51 浏览次数:35
相似词语短语for we are───因为我们是
waiting for───等待
we are we are───我们是我们是
we are we───我们是我们
waiting for me───等等我
we are───我们是
waiting for you───此情可待(歌曲名);等待你
we are for love───我们是为了爱
are we───是吗
双语使用场景We are waiting for the answer.───我们等待着答复。
I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting for you.───我是擎天柱,我把这个信息传给在各个星球避难的汽车人:我们在这里等你们。
You are the only one we are waiting for.───就等你一个人了。
Sure, No Problem, Please remember, Moon, the contract is always open for you and we are waiting for you as a member with us soon.───当然没问题,慕小姐,这份合约对你永远都敞开着大门,我们期待着很快你能成为我公司的一员。
We are a group of young people. Do not hesitate, come to join into our community. We are waiting for your participation.───我们都是年轻人。你还犹豫什么,快来参加我们社团吧。我们等着你的加入。
We'll come and see what's going on here and of course the most significant thing is we are waiting for him to come.───我们就会来这里看看有什么新的事情发生,当然,最重要的是我们在等他来。
Attention please! As we are waiting for a signal to proceed, and the train will depart shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience cause.───旅客请注意,由于需要等候讯号,客车将稍作停留,不便之处,敬请谅解。
We sent the quote to the client and we are waiting for their feedback. I will let you know if I get the information. thanks.───我们把报价给客户,我们正在等待他们的反馈。我会让你知道如果我得到的信息。谢谢。
You see, we are waiting for something, like this for years and years. We all wait.───我们总是在等待着些什么,就这么年年等下去,我们都在等。
英语使用场景We are waiting for the rain to stop.
We are waiting for the waiter to foot up our bill.
We are waiting for the judge to rule on the admissibility of the defense evidence.
We are waiting for the first crops to ripen.
We are waiting for the results officials who are still crunching numbers.
We are waiting for the judge to rule on the admissibility of the defence evidence.
We are waiting for confirmation of the news.
We have suspend payment while we are waiting for news from our agent.
We are waiting for the home office to approve this.