we are the youth是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2023-12-31 22:30:57 浏览次数:26
相似词语短语we are the we we are the one───我们是唯一的我们是唯一的
we are the───我们是
we are we are───我们是我们是
the youth───青少年
we are we───我们是我们
we we are the champions───我们是冠军
we are───我们是
are we───是吗
双语使用场景We are versed in the physical and social repercussions of unfettered aging-skin cancer, job discrimination, invisibility in a society that shamelessly values youth.───我们深谙不可阻抑的衰老的自然和社会反映——皮肤癌,职业歧视,潜在于社会中的对年轻心安理得的膜拜。
We are staying at a hostel called the Youth Shack, which makes me embarrassed to be sneaking through the door.───我们住在一家叫做“青年小屋”的青年旅社,这让我不好意思偷偷溜进门去。
We are reaching the youth of the world through social media.───我们通过社交媒体与全球的青年人进行交流。
We are the youth gone wild───我们是一群野蛮的青年