vocabulary instruction是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 08:35:07 浏览次数:22
computer instruction───[计]计算机指令;计算机指令,机器指令
clear instruction───[计]清除指令
vocabulary words───字汇词
instruction word───[计]指令字;做指令的字
instruction cycle───[计]指令周期
bilges vocabulary───舱底词汇
remedial instruction───矫正教学,(补习性的)辅导
双语使用场景In order to study vocabulary instruction we have mainly interpreted prototype category theory, conceptual structure theory and iconicity.───为了研究词汇教学,文章主要对原型范畴理论、概念结构理论以及象似性进行解释。
Puting it to work in vocabulary instruction, we can find there are some defects in traditional methods.───据此可以对传统词汇教学进行分析,找出其不足,并寻求正确的词汇教学策。
Based on such study, the content and method of vocabulary instruction should be in accordance with the working mechanism of human memory.───词汇教学应根据记忆的阶段性特征安排符合记忆规律的教学内容和方法。
In view of the result of the experiment, the author proposes a model with the focus on vocabulary instruction.───根据实验结果,笔者提出了一个以词汇教学为中心的阅读教学模式,分析了阅读教学的过程。
Language teachers should be aware of the priority in vocabulary instruction and had better not overburden students' memory.───首先词汇教学的内容要重点突出,循序渐进,不能使短时记忆超负荷。
The thesis mainly probes the effectiveness andfeasibility of the explicit vocabulary instruction in College English Teaching.───本文主要研究了在大学英语教学中运用显性词汇教学法的有效性和可行性。
Nowadays, there were many researchers who pay more attention on vocabulary instruction like Nation, Wei Liming, Fan Wei, etc.───如今,许多的研究者都将兴趣转向了词汇教学,比如内申,魏立明和范伟等人。
Such as vocabulary instruction, allowing students to gradually learn in a variety of word games, not the rote words.───如词汇教学,可以让学生在各种游戏中慢慢学习单词,而不是死记硬背单词。
Focus on form and focus on forms are two ways of vocabulary instruction.───重形式词汇教学和纯形式词汇教学是二语词汇教学的两种常用方法。