that made no sense是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 08:56:52 浏览次数:26
相似词语短语no sense───不必;没道理;不必; 没道理
that made───这使得
make no sense───毫无意义
in no sense───adv.决不; 并不
no wonder that───难怪,怪不得,不足为奇;难怪;不足为奇
sense organs───n.感觉器官,传感器,敏感元件( sense organ的名词复数 )
fashion sense───时尚感
双语使用场景He sat down and exchanged witty banter with an executive I did not know that made no sense to me. A few people laughed.───他坐下来和旁边的人开了个对我而言毫无意义的玩笑,有几个人在窃笑。
I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.───我一直在费力地看一份不知所云的电脑打印稿。
She just stared vacantly and said things that made no sense.───她只是呆望着,嘴里说的东西也常常让人摸不着头脑。
There were the phone calls, those unexplained days, and those fights that made no sense . . . suddenly, everything looks different.───当时的电话,那些不加解释的日子,那些无意义的争吵……突然之间,一切都变得不一样了。
Trades flickered across computer screens that made no sense.───无意义的交易数据在电脑屏幕上闪烁。
英语使用场景I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.