that made me happy是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 09:22:51 浏览次数:32
相似词语短语that made───这使得
made me───让我
happy me───我很高兴
that me───是我吗
they made me───他们让我
made of me───我做的
made me pretty───让我变漂亮了
made me fire───让我火了
made me do───让我做(某事)
双语使用场景was the first time somebody offer her seat for me on the bus. That made me happy for a long time. And this was also my first time to feel mother's glory.───在那天,第一次有人在公交车上给我让了座,呵呵,小小的事情,让我开心了好久,我也第一次体会到做为(准)妈妈的荣耀。
He told me he liked my book. That made me happy.───他告诉我他喜欢我的书,这使我很高兴。
You were kind and humorous that made me happy and laugh.───你是如此的善良和 幽默,深深的打动了我,使我开心和大笑。
It was another encounter that made me happy I had found the courage to step out of my geographical and psychological comfort zone.───这是另外一个让我开心的际遇,我开始有勇气走出自己的环境上和心理上的舒适地带。
You generously spread pleasant smile everywhere you appeared, I stood away, sensed your joy, that made me happy too.───所到之处,你慷慨地散播你的微笑。我远远地站着,感觉到了你的快乐。
To move on to something that made me happy.───迁移到让我感到愉快地东西上。
Yeah that made me happy The sweat I make for you───我为你努力工作,这让我感到幸福