vocabulary card是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 10:26:17 浏览次数:28
vocabulary words───字汇词
bilges vocabulary───舱底词汇
vocabulary games───词汇游戏
vocabulary test───词汇测验
ginned vocabulary───生词
enlarging vocabulary───扩大词汇量
receptive vocabulary───接受性词汇
vocabulary city───词汇城市
双语使用场景You want to withdraw some money while in a foreign country. Explain a problem with your cash card in a bank. Learn basic banking vocabulary.───当你在国外时,你取款。在银行中说明你的现金卡遇到的问题。学习基本的银行用语。
Using XML technology, the authors design a vocabulary list to describe the tables of process cards. The card template is constructed with the vocabulary list and DTD.───利用XML技术,设计了一套描述工艺卡片表格的通用XML词汇表,基于这套词汇表和DTD灵活构建了所需工艺文件模板,并以XML文档形式存储。
this very effective flash card application you can teach your child a huge vocabulary literally at the touch of a button.───此方便有效的认字卡应用程序,只须一按按钮,您就能逐字教导孩子大量词汇。