we are the ocean是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 10:45:48 浏览次数:27
相似词语短语we are the we we are the one───我们是唯一的我们是唯一的
we are the───我们是
we are we are───我们是我们是
the ocean───大海(歌名,TheOcean);海洋
we are we───我们是我们
we we are the champions───我们是冠军
we are───我们是
are we───是吗
we are the champions───我们是冠军
双语使用场景As we said, these hydrothermal vents are releasing into the ocean depth this intensely hot water that contains a chemical called hydrogen sulfide, and also a gas, carbon dioxide.───正如我们所说,这些热液喷口正在向海洋深处释放这种强热的水,含有一种叫做硫化氢的化学物质,和一种气体,二氧化碳。
Hydrothermal vents are cracks in the Earth's surface that occur, the ones we are talking about here are found deep at the bottom of the ocean.───热泉是地球表面出现的裂缝,我们在这里提到的裂缝是在海底深处发现的。
Just as we are seeing at a smaller scale today, huge parts of the ocean became anoxic at depth.───正如我们今天在较小规模范围内看到的那样,大部份海洋深处处于缺氧状态。