作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 11:32:39 浏览次数:26
相似词语短语witticisms bons───妙语妙语
witticisms define───妙语定义
witticisms meaning───妙语含义
witticisms quotes───诙谐语录
双语使用场景His witticisms souped up the talks.───他的俏皮话使会谈的气氛活跃起来了。
within were enshrined the statues of Li Bing and Son, and were stored witticisms for tapping water, poets' steles of poetry, and so on.───内主殿分别供有李冰父子的塑像,并珍藏有治水名言、诗人碑刻等。
She parries questions from some of her tens of thousands of avid followers with witticisms and cool charm.───她以俏皮的语言和冷艳的魅力巧妙地应对着她那些数以万计的殷切的追随者的问题。
He said queer things at which one often could not help but laugh, but he said them without intentionally offering them as witticisms .───他讲些奇妙的事情让人禁不住笑,可他并没刻意地将它们当俏皮话来说。
Accordingly, the "Oracle of Omaha" regularly dispenses wisdom and witticisms to his adoring public.───于是,这位“奥巴哈先知”就经常性有规律的将智慧和俏皮话混合在一起奉献给崇拜他的普罗大众。
Your colleagues may make this into a contest of lame witticisms, but you can simply opt out.───你的同事可能将它视为一场写蹩脚俏皮话的比赛,但你完全可以选择退出。
Even in his Oxford days, his witticisms were making their way beyond the university walls.───即使在牛津的日子里,他的妙语就名扬校园内外。
Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world.───妙语、座右铭、名言、谚语及格言等各自展现不同领域。
This hasn't stopped people taking to the Internet to laugh about the crisis, or crack witticisms.───但是这却不能阻止人们在网上拿这次的危机开玩笑。
英语使用场景She could never think of a clever retort to counter Ben's string of jokes and witticisms.
At Sketch-Club meetings his witticisms were regarded as part of the fun.
His literary style was plain and factual, without witticisms or flourishes, and his character seems similar.
Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world.
His witticisms souped up the talks.
The pace of television favours simplifications, generalised statements, witticisms, and short sharp judgements on artists' performances.
His literary diction would give food for merriment to our elders behind his back, some of his high-flown phrases finding a permanent place in our family repertoire of witticisms.
He thought his witticisms were amusing but found her response too extravagant.
A few of its witticisms are unnecessarily provocative and should be censored.