we are so young是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 11:25:24 浏览次数:42
相似词语短语we are Young───我们还年轻
so we are───所以我们是
we are so───我们是如此
so are we───我们也是
we young───我们年轻
We are the young───我们是年轻人
so here we are───所以我们到了
we are so far───我们到目前为止
we are we are───我们是我们是
双语使用场景we are so young, when some matters come, we just do it all again.───我们很年轻,所以如果有什么不如意,可以从头再来。
It is really doesn't matter at all. We are so young.───是不是很像一句滥俗的广告:年轻没有什么不可以。
We are so young and should do more.───我们那么年轻,应该多干点的。
It really doesn't matter at all, because we are so young. And when tommorow comes, we'll just do it all again.───放轻松,实在没有什么是大不了的,因为我们还年轻,到了明天,再重新做一次就可以了。就是这样简单。
Because we are so young, when some matters come, we just do it all again.───我们很年轻,所以如果有什么不如意,可以从头再来。
Now that Sam is over the hill, let's do it. We are so young and should do more.───既然Sam已经上岁数了,就让我们干吧。我们那么年轻,应该多干点的。
And we are so young now,───我们现在太年轻,
We are so young and so sweet───我们年纪小小,可爱美好
Because we are so young, besides both of us still have to study───因为我们年纪都小,现在都还要读书。