treasure trove time是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 11:55:26 浏览次数:17
相似词语短语treasure trove───n.无主财宝,埋葬物;宝藏,宝库;不为人知的有价值收藏;贵重物品的收藏;n.无主埋藏物,无主珍宝
my treasure───我的珍宝
the treasure───宝藏
priceless treasure───无价之宝
treasure chest───n.财宝箱/藏宝箱;财宝箱;宝库
treasure house───n.宝藏室,宝库;n.宝库;宝藏室
treasure houses───n.宝库;宝藏室
treasure up───铭记,珍藏;铭记; 珍藏
双语使用场景A newly-discovered treasure trove of ancient fossils are helping scientists understand how life on Earth recovered from the most catastrophic mass extinction of all time.───一次最新发现的贵重古生物化石帮忙科学家们领会有史以来最大规模生物灭绝之后,生命是如何重生的。
largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world, the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time.───莫高窟是世界上最大、内容最丰富和使用时间最长的佛教艺术宝库。
Taobao is a treasure-trove for those hunting for the unusual, eccentric or just plain worrying, boasting around 760 million products for sale at any one time.───对于那些爱搜罗稀奇古怪的东西的人或者焦虑狂来说,淘宝绝对是个聚宝盆,因为那里随时都有大约7.6亿件宝贝等你收走。