u. c.是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-12 12:19:58 浏览次数:19
相似词语短语c u───abbr.控制器(ControlUnit);剑桥大学(CambridgeUniversity)
C u d───n.反刍的食物
c u again───再来一次
u u───n.(Uu)人名;(越)优;abbr.解脲支原体;从用户到用户(UsertoUser);最终用户(UltimateUse)
c c───abbr.复写的副本(CarbonCopy);通信中心(CommunicationCenter);中央委员会(CentralCommittee);商会(ChamberofCommerce)
for u u u───为了你你
love u u───我爱你
kim c c───金c c
C B C───abbr.加拿大广播公司(CanadianBroadcastingCorporation)
双语使用场景When I was a student at U. C. Berkeley, I was very interested in lots of things.───当我还是在加州大学伯克利分校就读大学本科的时候,我对很多事物感兴趣。
I actually think there's more opportunity," said Teri Schwartz, dean of the U. C. L. A. School of Theater, Film and Television.───事实上我认为会有更多的机会,”加州大学洛杉矶分校戏剧电影电视学院院长泰瑞·施瓦兹说。
They are all Ph. D economists from Harvard, Yale, U. C. , and Oxford.───他们都是哈佛,耶鲁大学, 芝加哥大学,牛津大学的博士经济学家。
Assuming that the Texas physicists' findings were true, how could one explain the results of the U. C. S. D. experiments?───假设德州大学物理学家的发现是正确的,那麽UCSD的实验结果又要怎麽解释呢?
"I actually think there's more opportunity, " said Teri Schwartz, dean of the U. C. L. A. School of Theater, Film and Television.───“事实上我认为会有更多的机会,”加州大学洛杉矶分校戏剧电影电视学院院长泰瑞·施瓦兹说。
Amphibians, too, are facing an extinction crisis, with at least 33 percent either threatened or extinct, the I. U. C. N. reported.───据世界自然保护联盟报告,两栖类动物,也正面临灭绝危机,濒危或灭绝的至少有百分之三十三。
Researchers [Nicolas Mathevon et al. ] studied a clan of spotted hyenas living in a sanctuary behind the U. C. Berkeley campus.───研究人员研究了加州伯克利分校后的保护区内的一群鬣狗。
The U. C. Davis method simply spurs the microbes to excrete extra calcium carbonate, bonding the sand together tightly like cement.───加州大学戴维斯分校研发的加固方法就是简单的刺激微生物,使其分泌更多的碳酸钙,从而将沙子紧密结合像水泥一般。
How your Chinese do business like this? ! You just wanna your customer lose money! I just want express a word: F-U-C-K!───你们中国人就是这样做生意的?你们只会让客户亏钱。我只想说一个词
英语使用场景"Groundwater resources are being rapidly depleted in many regions of the world," says U.C. Irvine hydrologist James Famiglietti, another team member.
In mid-December, the Regents announced a plan to push back by five years the retirement age for future employees, to 65, and to cut U.C.'s contributions to the cost of retiree health care.
They'd met in the psychology department at U.C.L.A., where Gonzaga was conducting a study on married couples.
Calypso's edition was translated by Boris Drayluk, a Ph.D. candidate in Slavic Languages and Literatures at U.C.L.A., and presents the original Russian alongside the English.
So said U.C. Berkeley's Matthew Walker February 21st at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Diego.
The retirees say they tried to discuss their concerns with the U.C. president, Mark Yudof, and university general counsel, but were rebuffed.
UC So we can immediately write delta u C is Cv times T1 minus T2. Delta Hc C is Cp times T1 minus T2, right?
Saltzberg takes a break for a few hours weekly from his job at U.C.L.A. to make sure that the show's 12 writers get their portrayal of science and scientists right in BBT episodes.
I'm quite sure Adam F U C Ked Eve in the ass.