that made me think是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 09:17:37 浏览次数:34
相似词语短语think that───你觉得呢
that made───这使得
think me───想想我
made me───让我
me to think───让我想想
that me───是我吗
think for me───替我想想
they made me───他们让我
made of me───我做的
双语使用场景That made me think.───这个问题使我深思起来。
me think, what did they mean there was no SharePoint project?───我开始思考,他们说并不存在SharePoint项目是什么意思?
Reading that made me think: is it possible to apply that at individual level?───阅读节选让我想到:是否可将其应用于个人层次?
It was the sort of production that made me think I need to see musical theatre more often.───正是《红男绿女》这种剧让我认为我应该经常去看音乐剧。
For me that made me think, what did they mean there was no SharePoint project?───我开始思考,他们说并不存在SharePoint项目是什么意思?
That made me think - Pre has a removable battery so maybe getting one of those for Pre would be cool.───这让我想到——Pre的电池是可拆卸的,或许以后可以给它用上。
I listed these people, then I wrote beside their names one by one what was it that made me think they were great leaders.───我把这些人列出来,然后在他们的名字旁边列出,他们之所以能成为伟大领导人的品质。
Today I had a meeting with a client and they said something that made me think a lot about SharePoint projects.───今天我去见了一位客户,他说的一些话使我对SharePoint项目进行了深深的思考。
He laughed too, but he laughed too long and too loud. That made me think.───当时我笑了,他也笑了,可他的笑声太长也太大,让我陷入沉思。