vocabulary game是什么意思中文翻译
作者:论文查重系统 发表时间:2024-01-01 09:18:40 浏览次数:30
vocabulary words───字汇词
bilges vocabulary───舱底词汇
vocabulary games───词汇游戏
vocabulary test───词汇测验
ginned vocabulary───生词
enlarging vocabulary───扩大词汇量
receptive vocabulary───接受性词汇
vocabulary city───词汇城市
双语使用场景At the highly addictive vocabulary game site, freerice.com, for instance, 20 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program every time a player correctly guesses a word.───例如,在令人上瘾的词汇游戏网站freerice.com,每当玩家猜对一个字,就能向联合国世界粮食计划署捐赠20粒大米。
He goes to the Documents view, clicks Vocabulary on the toolbar, and adds the company's definitions for terms such as board game and video game.───他转到documents视图,单击工具栏上的Vocabulary,为棋盘游戏和电子游戏等术语添加了公司的定义。
game at FreeRice help me?───大米游戏对你的帮助。
A website called FreeRice. com is an English for vocabulary game.───一个叫做FreeRice.com的网站是一个英文单词游戏。
Web site called FreeRice. com is an English vocabulary game.───一个名叫免费大米的网站,是一个英语词汇游戏网站。
A Web site called FreeRice. com is an English vocabulary game.───是一家英语单词游戏网站。